The purpose of this post is to share with you some tips I found useful when I found myself stuck in an obnoxious mind.I'll try my best to make as much sense as possible.
It's incredibly important to be happy.Not only in your life or others,but its vital to be OK with who you are!
I'm not the person who necessarily believes in "everything happens for a reason".I also am not one to go by cliché-cheesy quotes or mantras.But each to their own.
Each and every one of us,even those who are astonishingly positive and optimistic,have bad days and periods in our lives where we feel a bunch of obnoxious emotions.Sadly there all apart of life.
In my experience feeling like you don't have a purpose is the worst.Some say "life is short" and it is in the sense that you should make memories and have fun as you don't know what can happen tomorrow.On the other hand life isn't short, for most of us and we could be here until were 100.
TIP UNO - Don't compare yourself to others! social media is the big cause of confident issues,were all individuals and different in many ways and your great being who you are!
TIP DOS- Surround yourself with the right people.Who you hang around with is more important than you think.We're creatures of habit and don't like change so changing your friendship group might seem terrifying. Positive energy is contagious so try and be around people who love you for you and you enjoy being around.
TIP TRES- Routine-Having a purpose to get up and do things! This may be harder if your un-employed or if you work from home,but try to compose some sort of routine in your day so that you feel you have a purpose and stay sane.Otherwise you'll get up at noon daily and slump around all day which will lead to you being extremely unhappy and even isolated.
TIP CUATRO- Music - listening to music is a big factor of my life and just listening to my favourite song or shuffling on spotify can immediately change my mood.listen to your favourite artist or why not throwback to songs you used to love and have good memories of.
Eliza doolittle -Walking on water
Flume-Never be like you
TIP CINCO-Leave your house- Even if you don'tt have plans,Just go on a walk or take yourself to your favourite coffee shop.Staying in the same environment daily isn't good for your brain as your mind will get bored.
TIP SEIS-YouTube - watching you tube gets my mind of things and there's billions of videos you can watch.TheDailyDubs my go to youtuber is ayydubs. she has an amazing personality and it really is contagious I just want to be besties with her.Shame she doesn't even know I exist! (cry face)
If you found this post helpful in even the slightest way please leave a comment or tweet me carlaslifex
letting me know if you'd like any more tips.
TIP SIETE- Learn to love yourself - This is a whole new topic and post itself, but try to accept yourself for you and you'll feel 1000 % better.
Carla X
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